| 1. | Dilated pupils are generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 瞳孔的扩张通常被认为是醉酒的特征。 |
| 2. | Excessive perspiration is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 过多地出汗通常可以被看作是醉酒的特征。 |
| 3. | Loss of dexterity is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 肢体灵活性的丧失通常被认为是酒精影响的醉酒指征。 |
| 4. | Increased rate of consumption is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 饮酒速度的加快通常被认为是醉酒的特征。 |
| 5. | Aggressive and belligerent behavior is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 挑衅和进攻性的言行通常被认为是醉酒的特征。 |
| 6. | Speaking increasingly louder is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 说话声音越来越大通常可以被认为是受到了酒精影响的醉酒指征。 |
| 7. | Difficulty handling and lighting cigarettes is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 点烟或抽烟时出现困难可以被看作是醉酒的特征。 |
| 8. | Loss of visual acuity and eye contact is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication 丧失视觉敏锐性和目光接触通常可以被看作是醉酒的特征。 |
| 9. | You should also watch out for discoloured water emerging from your taps , which is a visible indicator of stagnant water 若发现水带微黄,即食水在生锈喉管内停留,你只需开动水头冲洗片刻,通常可解决此问题。 |